Douglas Fir - C24

Douglas Fir

Douglas Fir

Douglas Fir

Douglas Fir

Douglas Fir
Douglas Fir Specification
Pseudotsuga Menziessii is the latin name for Douglas Fir which originates from USA and Canada, this is also grown in the UK, New Zealand and Australia. Douglas Fir is graded to C24, the timber is moderatly durable with a medium resistance to shock loads and it has a high bending strength. The heartwood is a light reddish brown shade and it has a uniform medium texture.
The main uses of Douglas Fir include, plywood, paper pulp, ship building, railway sleepers, joinery, veneer and roof trusses.
For more information you can download the specification sheet below:

We have a wide variety of lengths and sizes of C16 and C24 timbers in stock, for more information on our graded timber contact our experienced sales team on 01683 221082 or alternatively email us on info@ryderservices.biz.
At Ryder Services we also supply hardwood timbers which are graded up to D70, including Greenheart, Ekki, Opepe, plus many other species.